Expert Obsolete Part Sourcing

NSN Today provides the most unique methods to source your hard to find or obsolete parts.

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Deep Supply Chain

NSN Today has access to one of the largest supply chain inventories in the world. Giving you millions of parts at your fingertips.

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Target Driven Pricing

NSN Today uses state of the art algorithms to meet your part target price demands, keeping you on budget.

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Independent Component Distribution

NSN Today is an independent distributor for military and aerospace parts, along with semiconductors and electronic components. We help OEM’s, contract manufacturers, engineers and the defense industry all over the world, with their requirements of new parts and also those obsolete or hard to find surplus components. We pride ourselves in our quick responses to inquiries, our ability to deliver within days and our success with solving the difficult component sourcing problems of our customers. While providing quick turnaround times, our highly trained staff will also provide accuracy, efficiency, and meet your requirements and deadlines.

Global Component Sourcing

NSN Today, along with our international partners, provide stock locations and procurement services to supply customers worldwide with a reliable source for their parts. We rapidly source allocated, obsolete, long lead time and hard to find devices. Our operations are carefully designed to streamline the part and component sourcing, all the way through to the purchasing process. All transactions and order fulfillment processes are handled with immense detail and organization. Operating 24 hours a day, we try harder than anyone else to solve your problems and provide you with the parts you need.

Reduction & Kitting

With our broad line card and complete BOM product coverage, NSN Today has become a vendor base reduction specialist. This is ideal for companies no longer wishing to deal with a large number of suppliers, or sub-contract manufacturers with full procurement contracts.